a collection of inspirational poems/stories that express My insightful journey through life, love, and the spiritual realm

Today's Quote

Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart

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once Upon a Time*Sumthng Hapen'd 2 me*

It was d Swetest Thng*tat eva could b*It was a Fantasy

*A dream Cum True*It was d Day i Met u*

1 Sweet Pecks ♥:

Dizzy said...

dreams never come true according to me...dreams are sacred and dont depend onm fate or the unpredictability of misfortune...they cannot be contaminated by truth...
what comes true might not alwys be what you dreamt for but hoped for...
but dreams are imp to us because what come true most of the times are our fears...but dreams remain dreams they never come true thats why they remain special...

:X :)) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( =(( :-o :-* :| x(

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Symbols of our lives, Mementos of our existence!