Will I ever see you again?
My dear friend?!
Why did we have to say Good-bye so quickly that night? I had so many things that I wanted to ask you and tell you! You left without warning, No way to stop it, No way to stop the pain That I now feel.
Why is it that everyone Has to die? Why can’t we all stay alive Live forever and be content!? Then we could fix our mistakes, Change the wrongs And make them right. So no one has any pain anymore?!
Maybe we missed something Along the long winding path. Did we stray from it
In doing so, forgetting What we have or had?
But everyone has to die someday To live again and be happy and content In spirit and in my heart Is where I will keep you. Till the day we can see each other again”! ? ?
2 Sweet Pecks ♥:
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